December 13, 2008


So everyone has been getting on me to update my blog. And you should be! I have been horrible. Since coming home from the hospital with Ezra on October 11th (I know... I know... its been two months!) we have gone through A LOT, including moving. So I thought, if nothing else I can put up some of the pics I have with little notes and updates and just try my best to keep up on it from here on out. I should have been doing this when she was sleeping more, but any of you who know Ezra, know SHE DOES NOT LIKE TO BE PUT DOWN! I promise to start taking better advantage of when I have both arms to myself.

Ezra (I lovingly call her Ezzy Lu for Ezra Lucy) absolutely loves bathtime! And Ellen the Great absolutely loves giving them to her whenever she can! Who can blame her? This is Ez just chilling out after one of many fabulous relaxing baths. What a little diva. Now tell me that's not the cutest baby you ever saw!

My Mommy LOVES playing dress up with me! She can't help it, I'm just too cute! LOL. I love this shirt, and I couldn't wait to put her in it, but its purple and blue and I don't really have anything to go with it! Oh well. She looks cute no matter what I put her in. Even if its mis-matched.

My adorable nephew Israel love love loves Ezra! They are so cute together. They are going to be big trouble with the big beautiful bright eyes they both have. I realize this picture doesn't exactly show that, but I think its cute anyway. Eveytime Ezra cries, Izzy says "What baby? What?" in the sweetest little tone. It is so cute! He just loves giving her kisses and holding her. When we come over he runs and sits on the couch and pats his legs until we hand her over. I just love him to bits. It will be so fun when his Mommy has another little one.

We just took our first official Family Pics. We only took a few and they didn't turn out great, but what can ya do? I had the hardest time picking something for poor little Ez to wear. This teddy suit seemed to be perfect at home, but once we tried to take pics, she kept burying her head and trying to suck on the suit! Anything that touches her mouth, she thinks belongs in it.
We also went to the Dr. yesterday for her 4 month check up. She had to get three shots, which was horrible! I cried just as much as she did, if not more! We were SO excited to find out she weighs 7 lbs. 5 oz! And she is 20 1/4 inches long. She is getting so big! Well, in comparison to when she was born of course. She is 4 1/2 months old and still in Newborn clothes, so she can't be THAT big! It is so fun to see her smile, and try to "talk" to us. She also loves to cross her legs and clutch her hands together. She is such a little lady, and always looks posed. She also slept for about a 6 hour stretch last night, which was amazing! That is the longest she has ever slept, and about 5 hours of it was in her cradle! She usually has a hard time sleeping unless her Mommy is holding her, which makes it hard on Mommy! (But she secretly loves it).